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Giuliano in - Vacanze a Riva del Garda

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Giuliano talks about why this year he chose to go to a lake for his vacation.

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Andromeda - in - Storia del gelato

Dificultad intermediate Italian

¿Sabías que el helado se inventó en Italia? En este vídeo, Andromeda nos habla sobre los orígenes de esta deliciosa invención.

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Arianna spiega - I gesti degli Italiani

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Como parte fundamental del lenguaje corporal, los gestos representan el aspecto más estudiado y conocido de la comunicación no verbal. En este video, Arianna nos enseña el significado y el modo de usar algunos de los gestos más populares que existen en Italia.

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Corso di italiano con Daniela - Salutare

Dificultad beginner Italian

En este video, Daniela nos enseña las formas que existen en italiano para saludar a las personas haciendo una distinción entre la forma formal y la informal. Igualmente nos explica el modo en que la palabra "ciao" se usa en italiano.

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Corso di italiano con Daniela - Mi piace

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Poder expresar o decir que algo nos gusta o no nos gusta es algo fundamental dentro de la comunicación con otras personas. Si quieres saber como expresar este tipo de preferencias y gustos aquí tenéis una útil lección en la cual Daniela te enseñará como se hace esto en italiano.

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PsicoVip - Il topo - Ep 22

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Un pequeño roedor es el protagonista de la nueva historia de Minivip quien se dirige al consultorio del doctor para compartir su última desdicha.

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L'Italia a tavola - Interrogazione sulla Sicilia

Dificultad intermediate Italian

La estricta profesora Marika está lista para bombardear a su alumna Anna con varias preguntas básicas sobre Sicilia. Veamos cómo va la evaluación.

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Adriano - La granita al limone

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Adriano and his mother show us how to make this Sicilian summer specialty. It's easy to make, but there is one important secret.

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Toto Cutugno - L'italiano

Dificultad intermediate Italian

"El Italiano", una de las canciones más representativas de la música italiana, fue lanzada por Toto Cutugno en 1983 durante la trigésima tercera edición del Festival de la Canción Italiana de Sanremo donde alcanzó la quinta posición. A pesar de ello, este tema triunfó en todas las listas.

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Canzoni per bambini - Papaveri e papere

Dificultad intermediate Italian

This post-WWII song tells of a romance between a duckling and a poppy. It is a children's ditty with lots of word play but also has political undertones.

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Questione di Karma - Rai Cinema

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Una comedia del director Edoardo Falcone interpretada por Fabio De Luigi y Elio Germano. El encuentro entre dos polos opuestos, la búsqueda de la verdad, una estafa y un nuevo credo son las características de esta comedia.

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La Ladra - EP. 12 - Come ai vecchi tempi

Dificultad intermediate Italian

After what Dante saw, he has questions. Eva can't provide answers. The tension can be cut with a knife!

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Provaci ancora prof! - S1E4 - La mia compagna di banco

Dificultad intermediate Italian

As usual, Camilla is running late for school, and the family quickly discusses the day's logistics. At school, Camilla wants to start right in on an oral quiz but gets no volunteers.

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Marika spiega - Il cinema

Dificultad beginner Italian

Marika talks about going to the movies in Italy. Don't worry. Italians like popcorn, too.

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Fratelli Taviani - La passione e l'utopia

Dificultad advanced Italian

This documentary is about 2 brothers — the Taviani brothers — who are famous for having made many award-winning Italian movies. The short clips from their films will surely entice us to see the complete movies in the original Italian. Perhaps the most famous one is La Notte di San Lorenzo from 1982, whose English language release had the title: The Night of the Shooting Stars.

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Pubblicità - Gli extraterrestri

Dificultad advanced Italian
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Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1 EP1 L'estate del dito

Dificultad advanced Italian

This crime story is set in the city of Matera in the Basilicata region, where Immacolata (Imma) Tataranni is the deputy prosecutor. She's on vacation at the beach when she finds something odd in the water.

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Europei di calcio 2020 - Il primo giorno da Campioni d’Europa

Dificultad intermediate Italian

It was party time in Rome for the winners of the European Cup, with the prime minister and president participating. The Azzurri won 4-3 with penalty kicks.

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Non è mai troppo tardi - EP1

Dificultad intermediate Italian

People seem to think Alberto is a bit nuts. He's about to go on live TV, and people around him hope he doesn't botch it. The name of the TV show is Non è mai troppo tardi (it's never too late). What's implied in the title is that it's never to late to learn to read and write. In Italian, a person who never learned to read or write is called analfabeta.

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La linea verticale - EP1

Dificultad intermediate Italian

In this TV series, Luigi discovers he is ill and while he is waiting to see the doctor, his thoughts turn to his death, and how he would like his funeral to be.

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Illuminate - Rita Levi Montalcini

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Comedian and actor Caterina Guzzanti is a guest at a middle school in Afragola, in the province of Naples, a school named after Rita Levi Montalcini. Guzzanti meets with the students from the theater class for a lesson on the imagination, which has a lot of importance in her work but was also very important to the great researcher from Turin, Montalcini.

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I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi

Dificultad advanced Italian

Detective Lojacono is transferred to a police station that is considered to be the worst of the worst. Judging from his first encounter there, it seems he has his work cut out for him.

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Espressioni - Prendere 2 piccioni

Dificultad intermediate Italian

Here's the story of the Italian version of "killing two birds with one stone."

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Armando Casali - Ossidazioni, Cose dell'altro mondo

Dificultad intermediate Italian

When one retires, it can free up time as well as one's mind, providing an opportunity to experiment and find out what is important. Armando, who worked as an architect before retirement, uses photography to explore the circle of life in nature.

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